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Subject: Math

Grade Level : 5-8th Grade


Time period : one class period(60min)


Objective: Student will be able to:

  1. Combine like terms in a polynomial expression that will help prepare for the foil of the equation

  2. Determine if problems have a greatest common factor

  3. Identify how to simplify polynomial expressions (addition,subtraction,multiplication,division)


Standard cover:


Student will simplify and operate with radical expressions, polynomials and rational expressions


C. Add, subtract, multiply, divide, and factor polynomials


Materials: computer, paper, construction paper, color pencils, scissors


Introduction (10min):

Introduce polynomial expressions to the students and explain the crucial concept or words that are commonly used in polynomial expressions, such as combining like terms, factoring, GCF, etc. 


Explain (20min):

Instructor will then be teaching the students about polynomial addition,subtraction,multiplication, and 

division and will also provide examples and the step by step instruction for each type of polynomial expression.


Group Work (20min):

Instructor creates series of questions on paper for students to study for the future. The study guide will layout all the types of polynomial expressions that has been discussed in the class. This will be a great resource for students to be well prepared. The study guide might be a bit long and time consuming. Therefore, students are provided online version of the study guide in google docs, which they are allow to use their computer, and  work with each other on different section of study guide, and share answers with each other in google docs. The study guide will have multiple sections. Thus, students will be assigned groups, and each group will contain 3-5 students. Students are allowed to use their notes while working on the study guide in the google docs.

All of the students are eligible to change the content on the google docs if they found any mistake on the google doc. If the study guide is not complete at the end of class time, students are allowed to take it home and finish it for homework.


Wrap up(10min):

Instructor will conclude by going over some of the answers to some of the study guide questions and students will be able to ask any questions that they may have about the study guide. 


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